I am a lawyer for civil law and business law, a specialist for information technology law as well as a business mediator.
I support you in the application of your law and enforce your right, your interests, your values together with you.
This means: being economically successful, being recognized, successful cooperation, being free.
This can also mean: against each other instead of with each other, ending instead of continuing, fighting instead of coming to an understanding.
The values at stake are increasingly intangible values also. Whether in the use of current information technology; the use, production and exploitation of intangible assets; in collaborations of business value. The emergence and decay of such values are less dependent on material conditions than in classical industrial production. This makes your production more flexible and accelerates your sales in particular, but it also makes you more vulnerable and therefore requires more investment in safeguarding and asserting your interests.
Whether local or global, offline or networked, physical or incorporeal, digitization frees people’s collaboration in the creation and dissemination of value from many shackles. Such collaborations must be deliberately brought into legal form in order to succeed.
My central fields of activity are therefore: Information technology – Intellectual property – Cooperations
I help you to realize your potential for yourself and for others together, also online in the digital sphere.
Rechtsanwalt Wilko Bauer, M.A.
- Lawyer for 20 years (2004)
- Specialist attorney for information technology law (IT law) since 16 (2008)
- Mediator 2015
- Master of Philosophy (Philosophy of Law) 2005
Working languages
- German
- English
- Authorized to represent clients at all district, regional and higher regional courts in Germany and at the Kammergericht, before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Court of the European Union in Luxembourg
- Admitted to the bar in Berlin
- 2010 until today owner of the office in Angermünde
- 2005 until today Attorney and Partner at Paschke & Partner – Attorneys at Law, Berlin
- Training as a mediator (DeutscheAnwaltAkademie)
- 2008 – 2011 Lecturer for Competition Law/Advertising Law/Marketing Law (IMK Berlin)
- 2008 Awarded the title of specialist lawyer for information technology law (IT law) (DeutscheAnwaltAkademie)
- Doctorate in progress (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Legal clerkship and both state examinations (qualification for judicial office) in Berlin
- Studies at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (e-government, IT law, European law)
- Successful completion of studies in law (state examination) and philosophy (Magister Artium), Berlin
- Several years of training in France and the USA
- Studied law, philosophy and computer science at the Universities of Göttingen, Poitiers (France) and Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Educational and professional stations
- Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York
- San Diego Legal Assistants, San Diego, California
- German Bundestag, International Relations Division
- Berlin public prosecutor’s office (computer crime)
- Berlin Senator of the Interior (IT Law Department)
- Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
- Federal Ministry of the Interior (IT Staff, E-Government)
- German Bar Association (DAV)
- Working Group IT Law in the German Lawyers’ Association (DAV-IT)
- IALANA Germany e.V. – Association for the Law of Peace
- Entrepreneurs’ Association Uckermark e.V.
Individual contributions
- Interview/Podcast “ From lifting and scooping – What am I actually (still) allowed to publish? ” with Frank Feuerschütz in the series“What about Youth Work!” of the Youth Work Department, Office for Church Services in the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz, January 21, 2022
- Seminar “Praxis Medienpädagogik – Datenschutz und Urheberrecht” (Media Education Practice – Data Protection and Copyright) – Focus on Copyright in Social Media, AKD Office for Church Services in the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz, via Zoom, June 10, 2021
- Talk“Digitization and Law” at the “Praxisforum ‘Digitization’: How do others manage? Where can I find active support?” of the IHK Ostbrandenburg/WFBB/Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Cottbus/HNEE, Schloss Lanke, Wandlitz, January 28, 2020
- Information events at Angermünde town hall, event organized by Unternehmervereinigung Uckermark e.V., on the topic of“Basic Data Protection Regulation“, May 9, 2018 and April 26, 2019.
- Lecture / information event at Angermünde City Hall, joint event of the City of Angermünde and the Unternehmervereinigung Uckermark e.V., on the topic of“Selling via the Internet“, April 13, 2016.
- Presentation for marcus evans – Strategic Software Asset and License Management 2013, Berlin, on February 26, 2013 on“Buying and selling ‘used’ software – current European legal perspectives“.
- Radio interview Deutschlandfunk, December 12, 2012, on the subject of“Buying and Selling on the Internet
- TV interview N24, April 5, 2012, on the subject of“Open WLAN in restaurants“.
- Newspaper interview taz, February 24, 2012, on the subject of“Selling Facebook ‘likes‘”.
- Television interview “taff” (Pro7), February 2, 2011, on the subject of“Identity abuse on the Internet“.
- Article“Unterwegs untergrund – oder: Warum Hegel?“, in: das freischüßler, issue 17, 2009, p. 43 ff.
- Presentation at the IT-Profits 5.0 in Berlin on 24.06.2009 on the topic of “Used software in the company“.
- Magazine interview journalist, 09/2008, on a press law case, p. 6
- Journal interview AdVoice, 02/2007, on the subject of“Fachanwaltschaft IT-Recht (Informationstechnologierecht)“, p. 20 f.
- Newspaper interview BusinessNews, September 27, 2006, on the subject of“Children buy on eBay“.
- Radio interview Radio France Internationale, March 8, 2006, on“Illegal film downloads – legal situation in Germany“.
- Article Hegel’s Theory of Intellectual Property, in: Hegel-Studien 41, 2006, pp. 51-91.
- Article Right and Wrong – THE ARGUMENT 264 – Prospects for America, 48th Volume – Issue 1/2006, p. 132f.
- Article Human Rights Taken Seriously – On the Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights – Forum Recht – mehr Theorie wagen – Ansätze der Rechtskritik – Heft 2/2005, Seite 52-55
- Ongoing online engagement including: